
Advanced Player Stats

Sometimes you just need a new clean overview.
Brawltools has everything - from normal player Statistics to advanced data we calculate for you.

Take a look at your profile
like you have never seen before

You need an clean overview of all your Brawl Stars Statistics?
We have summarized all important statistics for you and combined them here.
With this, you don't have to worry about seeing the stats of you or your friends anymore.


We help you to always
keep an eye on your Brawlers

We take care of your Brawlers!
You don't need to remember who is the Brawler with the most trophies, power level, highest trophies or highest rank. We show you all that here.

Useful player statistics directly
ready for use

We have the right data for every situation.
No matter if today, this week or the complete season.
Impress other people with your advanced ingame statistics.


Displays how many Trophies you pushed during the Day!


Displays how many Trophies you pushed during the Week!


Displays how many Trophies you pushed during the whole Season!